NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 Splash Image

NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 – Voting

The 2017 NCWSA All-Stars Webcast can be found at

NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 contest details can be found in the original announcement.


  1. The final voting tally will be a weighted sum between the audience, Ryan Dodd, Santiago Varas, Jeff Rush, and Igor Morozov.
  2. The audience can vote by liking a submission video on either the NCWSA Instagram or NCWSA YouTube (or both).
    1. Due to limitations liking must be done directly on either Instagram or YouTube.
    2. Instagram Search for #NCWSAWhyWeFly2017Submissions
    3. NCWSA YouTube playlist with all NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 submissions
      1. Playlist is ordered alphabetically by first name of contestant.
  3. All videos are valid and being played on YouTube, Instagram will delete any with copyright claims
    1. Abbi Grathwohl’s submission can only be found on YouTube.
  4. Voting will close Sunday May 21, 2017 at 11:30 AM CDT, any likes after that point will not be counted towards the audience vote.


Share the URL and it will take your friends to this page or share the graphic that already has the URL on it!

If you want to share your video on Facebook or Twitter, we suggest sharing your video’s YouTube or Instagram URL.

Remember to tell your friends and family to like the video directly on the NCWSA’s YouTube or Instagram, not just the post or tweet you share the link in!

2017 Why We Fly Submissions

YouTube Playlist

Adam Koehler

I am Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside and Bachelor's and Masters from Marquette University. I skied collegiately at Marquette and in 2009 I received the NCWSA Outstanding Leader Award. I was NCWSA Operations Committee Chair for 7 years, and the NCWSA Secretary for 8 years.