How To Post

How to Register:

  • Go to the website or you can click the Admin Log In at the bottom of the homepage.
  • For username, I just put my name without a space (joeymcnamara) and your email address.  It will then send you a confirmation email.Screenshot 2016-02-08 at 9.09.51 PM
  • After you get the confirmation email, click the link to activate your account.
  • You can either access the admin log in from the bottom of the page or the link at the top.
  • This will direct you to the Dashboard.  Depending on your level on the website you will see different things in left hand menu.  All Region chairpersons and officers should see post.


How to Post:

  • On the left hand menu, you will see several different icons.  I’ll explain the rest as they become important, but the important ones are posts and pages.  Wordpress has two different content types.
    • Pages are meant to be things that don’t change that much.  In our case, some of the team information, contact info, etc. is all set up as a page.
    • Posts: If you are posting something that is “News” such as announcements, tournament schedules, award winners, etc. you will need to select POST.  When you select post, it will automatically
  • After clicking on Posts, you will see a list of the posts and by author.  Screenshot 2016-02-08 at 9.17.31 PM
  • To Add a New Post, Click “Add New”
    • This brings up a What-you-see-is-what-you-get editor.  You also have the option of coding directly (Two tabs on right side say Visual and Text).  Stick with Visual unless you are adding a youtube video and need to copy and past actual code.  This Visual Editior works almost exactly like Microsoft Word.  You just type what you need you can indent, add photos,
    • Social Sharing:  This includes social sharing buttons.  Its set as a default.
    • Format:  Ignore for right now and leave it on Standard.
    • Category: Make sure to select News if you would like it featured on the front page.  Also select any other categories that are applicable (Regions, Nationals, All Stars, etc)
  • Once you are done, hit Publish or Submit
  • If you’d like to save before publishing, just select Visibility to Draft

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